Dennis Abrahamsson om Matter och framtiden för smarta hem

Dennis Abrahamsson on Matter and the Future of Smart Homes

We are excited to announce that our COO, Dennis Abrahamsson, was recently interviewed by PC för Alla, where he shared his insights on the Matter standard and its significance for the future of smart homes.

In the interview, Dennis discusses how Matter can simplify the integration between various smart home devices, enabling a more seamless and user-friendly experience for consumers.

At HelloSmart, we offer motorized blinds with built-in Zigbee, WiFi, or Bluetooth motors, allowing them to be controlled via a variety of smart home systems. Our blinds are compatible with gateways like Homey, Aqara, SmartThings, Home Assistant, and FIBARO, providing users with the ability to effortlessly integrate them into their existing setups.

To read the full interview with Dennis and gain a deeper understanding of how the Matter standard is shaping the future of smart homes, click here:
➡️ PC för Alla - Smart Homes and AI

We are proud to be part of the development toward more integrated and user-friendly smart home solutions.

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